What's Happening @ DACS?

DACS Easter Program

Posted on 25 March 2024 in Events

On Thursday, March 28th we hope to perform our School Easter Program: “Behold the Lamb”.

You are invited to join us at 7:30pm in the school gymnasium for this evening of praise.

Pre-schoolers: you are invited to learn Hymn 56:1 (Loving Shepherd) to sing before the concert.

Childcare Available: Thank you to our volunteers! Childcare will be available in the school Library.

Bake Sale: The Grade 8 class will be offering baked goods as a fundraiser for their year-end trip. Bring some cash to help fund this cause and head home with some delicious baked goods!

Open Dress-Rehearsal: For those unable to attend the evening program, you are welcome to come to our last practice. This will be held the day prior: Wednesday, March 27th at 1:30pm.

A note for Parents: The students should arrive after 7pm, and no later than 7:20pm. They should go directly to their classroom. This gives students time to check in, go to the bathroom and line up so the program can begin promptly.

After the program is over, students will go directly back to their classroom where they will receive refreshments. **Note this change: Students will be brought to the gym after they are finished their refreshments and can be picked up there.

Psalm 24:1,2

The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein, for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers.

55 Years Teaching
Covenant Children

111 Happy

9 Grades

15 Staff

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