What's Happening @ DACS?

School Refusal Presentation

Posted on 17 October 2022 in Events

Is your child reluctant or refusing to go to school? Long-term absences often have academic and social repercussions for the students involved.

Come out and join us in the gym of DACS on
Monday, October 31st from 1pm – 3pm

We will welcome Sabrina Jaspers, a counsellor who works with Christian Counselling Centre in Hamilton, ON, for a presentation focussing on the topic of “School Refusal/Avoidance/Reluctance.”

We hope to learn about and discuss causes and signals of this kind of anxiety, as well as strategies to resolve this.

Email jelko.oosterhof@dacslaurel.ca by October 20th to reserve your spot!

Note: this event is sponsored by DACS so there is no cost to attend!

Psalm 24:1,2

The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein, for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers.

55 Years Teaching
Covenant Children

111 Happy

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