What's Happening @ DACS?

Wild Animal Day!

Posted on 31 May 2021 in Events

Today is Day 1 in Wet and Wild Week!

Take a picture with a favourite stuffy, dress up as a wild animal, or photoshop yourself into a picture with a wild animal….whatever you want as long as you’re going wild with an animal!

Submit your pictures to studentscouncil@mydacs.ca or via WhatsApp to Mrs. Cathy Jonker. And be sure to check out the Student Council website to view everyone’s pictures! (If you don’t want your picture posted online let them know when you submit it.)

Don’t forget…by participating you earn points for your team and if you participate on all 4 days you get a treat bag!

Psalm 24:1,2

The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein, for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers.

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