What's Happening @ DACS?


Posted on 22 June 2021 in Events

The Board and Staff at DACS invite you to celebrate via livestream the Grade 8 DACS graduation.

Congratulations to:

Ricki Bouwers
Alyssa DeBoer
Robyn deJonge
Jasmine Doekes
Reegan Endeman
Michael Janssen
Cailan Kottelenberg
Cheyan Kottelenberg
Isaiah Kottelenberg
Jaidynn Kottelenberg
Alexa Neumann
Ryan Span
Isaac Spanninga
Kendra VanSydenborgh

The ceremony will take place this evening (June 22nd) at 7pm. The event can be found at this link: https://youtu.be/ZaJGAn52wY0

If you are interested, please come to DACS for a drive-by congratulatory line planned for 8:15pm.

Psalm 24:1,2

The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein, for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers.

55 Years Teaching
Covenant Children

111 Happy

9 Grades

15 Staff

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