What's Happening @ DACS?

First Day of School 21/22!

Posted on 7 September 2021 in Events, News

Welcome to our new school year!

We are very excited to be back, and our prayer is that we will be able to stay in school this year. You may have noticed the theme text for this year. We will be focusing on what these words of the apostle Paul mean for our tasks at school and elsewhere in all sorts of circumstances.

Our rooms and hallways have been polished and decorated. They are awaiting the students.

We invite you to come to our opening assembly today at 9:00am in the gym. Be mindful of the regular COVID precautions.

May the Lord bless our school year!

Psalm 24:1,2

The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein, for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers.

55 Years Teaching
Covenant Children

111 Happy

9 Grades

15 Staff

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